Membership About Photos Contact History Honours Safeguarding Murt McCormack Club Presidents Club Captains Bert Gillard Award President Prize Mini Rugby Training Times 23/24 Tuam Summer Tag Rugby Remembering Paddy 23/24 Club Committee Seàn Carter Paul Cosgrove Philip Malynn John Carr Tony McDonagh Seàn Higgins Jimmy Maughan John Higgins Owen Lydon Tom "Hacker" Maher The Hacker Cup Tuam Oughterard John Ward Cawley Plate Winners Cawley Cup Winners Tuam RFC Constitution Womens Cup Winners 24 Ladies league winners Club ShopThe Constitution of Tuam Rugby Football Club:
1. The Club shall be called Tuam Rugby Football Club.
2. The aim of the club is to promote the game of rugby football in Tuam as per Irish rugby rules.
3. The club shall consist of President, Vice President, Associate members, Ordinary ( Senior ) , underage and mini rugby members. ( Associate Members, being members of the Presidents Circle, who are entitled to apply for International tickets, but who do not have a vote at the AGM.
4. The officers of the club shall be the President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Captains, PRO, Branch Delegate, Trustees and committee members. Plus two of the Trustees, who are not included
5. The committee shall be elected annually at the annual general meeting of the club and will consist of six members, plus any of the Trustees who are not included in the elected committee of six. The committee shall have the power to appoint Sub Committees for special purposes ( Including selection committees )
6. The club, at the Annual General Meeting, shall appoint five permanent Trustees. All property of the club shall vest in The Trustees. No personal liability shall be attached to The Trustees, or any Trustees acting in the ordinary or proper course of the Club business.
7. Each team Captain shall be elected annually by all paid up playing members and the members of the selection committee.
8. Five members shall form a quorum at a committee meeting and ten at a general meeting.. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Club.
9. The Hon. Secretary shall keep minutes of the general meetings and meetings of the committee and shall have the power to call the aforesaid meetings when necessary.
10. The Hon. Treasurer shall receive all subscriptions and fluids, make all payments with the previous sanctions of the committee, keep all accounts of the Club and present to the AGM of the club, for audit, a balance sheet for previous year.
11. The committee shall have general control of the management of the club and shall have the power to fill casual vacancies by co-option for the remainder of the season.
12. Proposals for membership shall be by way of signed application form, accompanied by a minimum payment of €2.00, counter signed by an officer of the club. The rights and privilages of full membership shall be enjoyed pending payment of full membership before December 31steach year. The committee shall have the right to decline any application for membership.
13. The annual subscription shall be set , at the discretion of the committee, for full membership categories, payable not later than December 31st. Any person failing to comply with this rule shall forthwith, cease to be a member of the club Members shall cease to enjoy privileges of the club, if their subscriptions are further delayed, until all arrears are paid. Any person who, in any manner engages in any activities of the club, but has failed to pay in full the annual subscription prior to the date, shall do so entirely at their own risk and no liability whatsoever shall be attached to the club or any member of the same.
14. Hon. Vice President shall be elected on being proposed and seconded at any committee meeting of the club, without ballot.
15. The colours of the club shall be blue and red jersey, navy shorts and navy and red hose. The colours must be worn at all matches.
16. On receipt of a requisition, signed by ten ordinary members of the Club, the Hon. Secretary shall, within fourteen days call a special general meeting which shall have the power to alter rules and to transact any business of which due notice has been given in the requisition. For the alteration of rules, a majority of three quarters of those present and voting shall be required.
17. For the alteration of rules at the AGM, notice of motion must reach the Hon. Secretary fourteen days before the date of the AGM.
18. Shall a member conduct himself/herself in a manner that, in the opinion of the committee is derogatory to the club, the committee may call for an explanation ad if they think fit, remove such person from membership immediately without any obligation to refund the subscription.
19. The clubs fifteen shall be chosen by a selection committee composed of team Captains, together with four members of the club, chosen by the committee. Three members shall form a quorum on this committee. The President shall be ex –officio and the Captain shall preside at all selection meetings.
20. Every member shall regard obedience to the Captain on the field as a duty to the Club.
21. The Club has a policy of non-discrimination and welcomes members from all nationalities and all social classes
22. The Trustees of the Club shall have the power to borrow from a financial institution and also to pledge security on behalf of the club, as collateral for the borrowings.
23. The Club grounds shall be vested in the names of the Trustees of the Club.
24. All borrowings by the club will be in the names of the Trustees of the Club.
25. The committee reserves the right to interpret the rules.
26. The Hon. Secretary shall send a copy of the rules to each member.
27. The Club shall appoint an auditor at its AGM.
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